7th Annual Burgers & Brew

October 8, 2022 @ 10:00AM — 2:00PM Central Time (US & Canada) Add to Calendar

STC Sporting Clays: 1419 SW 120 St Augusta, KS 67010 Get Directions

7th Annual Burgers & Brew image

Come to shoot, stay for burgers and brew!

Flinthills Services annual fundraiser to support underfunded programs for people with developmental disabilities in Butler County. Come on out to have a good time and support a great cause!

Burgers & Brew features team shooting, prizes for top shooters and top team, drawings, gun raffle and live auction. After the shoot you'll enjoy grilled burgers and brats with all the fixin's, cold beverages from local breweries, and - A LIVE AUCTION!!! Proceeds support important services for people with developmental disabilities in Butler County such as day and residential services, teen and young adult fun nights, and Special Olympics. So gather up your team of 5 shooters and sign up today!

Buy your Event T-shirt NOW!! $15

Buy your Event T-shirt now for $15!

Support us with a donation.